The Good Kind of Lazy ~ Train

My name is Terrie Brookins. I am what you would call an efficient and perfectionist witch. What does that mean in plain English? I’m lazy.
Enjoying The Sun
If I can do something right once and not have to worry about it again? You bet your broom I’m going to do it. What’s more? If you push energetically in just the right place, all that you need to happen will fall together on their own. That’s why I love the small works of magic.
Now when I say small, I mean in it in the context or complexity.  Candle magic is my favorite. One simple flame and a heartfelt prayer can work wonders. Stone and crystal work is great for me as well. Simple magickal support, even just a teeny push in small amounts, can bring about a mountains of change. It’s all about realizing exactly how magic works as a witch.
Let’s face it. This ain’t Hogwart’s. As much as I’d love to wave my wand and make feathers dance, it ain’t happening. The magick I wield is passive at most, and when overt? It usually moves by the path of least resistance and finding a way through all available paths.   That is to say, it finds the place to give the smallest push to enact the greatest change. One simple wish upon a star, offering to deity or salt over the left shoulder has the potential to work marvels. We all know that that’s the simple way of saying things. I have indeed done my homework on this.
To do these small works of magick requires a larger frame of thought. That frame of thought means looking at any situation in as many different ways as possible.  If I want to removed a dangerous building or structure, do I enchant bulldozers ? Glamour the construction workers?  Or can I plant the idea for a new building in mind of someone who works for the county or a building firm by talking about something new with anyone in their company?   Makes you think doesn’t it? For most people, it gives them a headache.
The headache comes from a high pitched whistling sound. That sound is the air escaping an inflated ego. Can’t have a big head, chip on your should OR let you greed or runaway emotions rule you. Just because you’re angry doesn’t mean you should perform that revenge or hex work.  Wait a day, or a week until you’ve got a clear head and clearer resolve. Sure make your plan, get your ingredients together. Then, in the morning? Decide if the work is really worth the work. Yes, even the small work. And let’s face it, us magic users have an arsenal of deliciously naughty curses for every occasion!
Yes, they are small work too 🙂
So ask you witches and magicians, light and shadow workers, what’s your small work?

May you never hunger – Pray ~ Train

When I was young, foolish and freshly married the first time, I experienced something I thought I would never know.  I went hungry.

Granted, it was only about a week. However, those seven days of nothing have stuck with me forever. No one should ever have to go hungry.

I remember being a kid at about ten years old where I started the growth spurts. I ate everything that wasn’t nailed down. I remember my father saying that as long as I ate something he didn’t care.   My mom was silently furious. I’m pretty sure I ate some things she was saving for herself. Sorry Mom!

Yet with the background from my parents: my mother: the first of eight siblings, my father: growing up with Rickett’s and having a sibling die of malnutrition, I am extremely spoiled when it came to food. My parents were on the stricter side and fair. I ate was what provided or I didn’t eat at all. And they always provided for me.  The feeling stuck.

That gnawing in my belly. That burning anger that I couldn’t assign a reason to besides privilege. The frustration as I saw many people tossing out food that was still good if prepared properly.  Never again.

I found myself at my church. They had a food bank. I had no idea how to even ask for something to eat. Eyes down and shaking, I remember just standing next to Ms. Norma, the food bank worker. Ashamed, I couldn’t even ask her. She took pity on me. She filled out the forms for me, made me sign at the bottom and handed me a box of food.


That was the best damn tuna sandwich I’ve ever had in my life.

I spent the next few months working at that food bank and with my church. No one knew it then, but I was determined to earn every morsel of food I put in my mouth. I smiled warmly to everyone who came in to get a box. I helped them with the forms. I knew what it was like.

Now I am older, still foolish and married for the second time.  I struggle with my weight. Why? Because I know that there are people out there hungry – more than I was all that time ago. Some days I don’t eat. Some days I can’t eat. Most days I force myself to eat. I have to honor my body and the gift that Ms. Norma gave me all that time ago.  I can do more.

Here are some facts about hunger in Canada:

“Each month, close to 850,000 Canadians are assisted by food banks, and 36.4% of those helped are children and youth. … Who is turning to food banks?  There is no single, typical profile.  The people helped include families with children, employed people whose wages are not sufficient to cover basic living essentials, individuals on social assistance, and Canadians living on a fixed income, including people with disabilities and seniors.”

That not clear enough for you? How about a picture? HungerCount Infographic 2014:

That’s right.  Your next-door neighbours could have enough to pay the bills – but not eat. More than likely, you’ll never know about it.  Here’s how you can help:

Support your local food bank.

Here are some of the items that are always needed:

  1. Pasta (canned or dry) and pasta sauces.
  2. Canned and frozen meats and fish
  3. Meat alternatives (peanut butter, soy, assorted nuts)
  4. Canned goods (beans, soups, and stews)
  5. Dairy (fresh, canned, and powdered milk)
  6. Canned vegetables and fruit
  7. Whole grain cereals
  8. Infant foods and baby formula
  9. Bathroom tissue and diapers
  10. Personal hygiene products

Moreover, if you are one of the invisible many who are struggling to put food on the table AND a roof overhead, USE THE FOOD BANK.

Here are the food banks that I know of:

* Brock Community Food Bank – 1-877-406-8723
* Beaverton – 1-877-406-8723
* Cannington/Sunderland – 1-877-406-8723

Clarington East:

* Newcastle – 905-987-1418
* Loaves and Fishes–Uxbridge – 905-852-6262
* Operation Scugog – 905-985-7271

* Salvation Army:
Ajax – 905-427-7123
Bowmanville – 905-623-2185
Oshawa – 905-723-7422
Whitby – 905-430-3454

* Seventh Day Adventists–Oshawa – 905-433-8800
* Simcoe Hall Settlement House–Oshawa – 905-728-7525
* St Paul’s on the Hill–Pickering – 905-839-9537

I know the shame.  I know the frustration.  I know the fear of stigmatization. My friends, you can fight all of that better of a full stomach. If you can’t seem to get to the bank. PLEASE reach out to your friends. We’ll help as best we can!


Rev. Terrie

Posted in Tee

Ms. Terrie ~ Love


Part of my workday is consulting with clients over webcam – not a very good webcam. My name and visage pops up on the client’s screen when they connect to me. There I am – chest and head – all Max Headroom like. It’s really kinda cool.

Except for one thing. One small thing. One really anyone small thing.  For the past five years, despite low cut tops, big hoop earrings and constant insistence, I have been “mistaken” for a man.

I know. I know. Pick your jaw up.

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Posted in Tee