God Hopping & Spell Casting ~ Pray

In my first decade as a witch, I’ve seen some things.  Some of it blows my mind. Here’s one:
Many pagans, young and old, of all cultures have patron deities, the one or two gods that they feel shapes their spiritual and mundane lives.  I, too, have patron deities that I  am devoted to solely.
Now this is where I start scratching my head.
Few pagans of any flavor have gone without casting a spell of some kind – hex, blessing or curse.  Every one of us has been in a spot where we have to use our gifts to enact change on some level. However many wiccan/witchy spells from a myriad of sources (cough *the internets * cough) have the practitioner working with gods they don’t normally petition or have a mutual relationship of any sort. Candle
Umm what?
If you need to ask a favor, do you call on your family and friends? People who know you and can trust you? Or do you ask a celebrity that doesn’t know you from a hole in the ground?  Yes, yes, I’m sure the “Love and Light” brigade will take me to task for this. However, not everything is love and light when it comes to our deities and everyday life.
I am sure that a spell for love would work great by calling on the the great goddess Aphrodite. Since I don’t work with Her, what is Her incentive to answer my plea? Some offering that was dictated in a book and put out only a payment of services rendered?  Yeah – NO.
The real lesson here? If your spells aren’t working, there’s a reason. Do you have a relationship with the gods or spirits you call on? If not? Well there’s your sign to start again.  Develop some kind of relationship with the deity you’re calling on or don’t call on them at all.
What about  your own deities? Why can’t your own guides help? These are some great questions that you can answer. What are you experiences?
Rev. Terrie